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The Best Life series on YouTube

Follow along with Joy West on the journey in Puerto Rico!

When I decided to leave Florida and live my authentic best life, I knew it would be a grand adventure.  I have always loved the Caribbean and being in San Juan is like a dream come true. 

Officially going from high school teacher to a free spirit has been an incredible year of transition.  Sure, I’m still Kirsten Peck, but my inner spirit, my Joy has been revealing herself more and more. My plan was to remain flexible and see how life unfolded on the island.  The YouTube channel started by accident and isn’t as steady as it should be, but it’s ok because that’s part of the story! 

The really exciting part is how great I feel every day.  I can’t believe it has already been a year and yet so much has changed I am a new person.  The weather and sunshine are significant parts of my spirit and mixing in the beautiful water and snappy rhythms, what could be better?!

It is not always easy being in a new place, not really understanding the language but loving every challenge that comes along.  Sure I was crying waiting at the hospital one day to see a doctor, but 24 hours later I was healed like a miracle.  I am often amazed at how wonderful the dumbest things can be here.

Making friends is a challenge I have face down, but that’s related to learning more Spanish! Create Your Best Future  is the book I wrote that started my journey to Puerto Rico – get your copy here!