Go and Grow Rich:
Financial Transformations With Mileage Included

Everyone wishes they could travel the world and experience the joys of other cultures, but it comes with lots of fears, challenges, and expense.  You won’t want to miss Cora Kent’s memoir and wisdom about traveling smartly and growing rich, very rich

You’ll hear directly from Cora about exactly how she plans and carries through with her travel adventures, and how she has generated sources of income that have become the great wealth most people today only dream of.  

“I am living proof that you can come from a poor, “make-do” family, get an education and dedicate yourself to the hard work of getting ahead no matter what the obstacles.  And, if you stick to your intentional plan, you can create enough wealth that will change your family tree forever.  I know you can create your own destiny, because I have done it!”     - Cora Kent

The podcast is soon to be in print –  is a “where-to-go” and “how-to-do-it” manual for people who want to see the world and to amass a fortune as they go along. 

You’ll find the guideposts for self-direction, organized planning, and how to use the strengths of others, as well as your own innate powers. 

By learning the “Go and Grow Rich” fundamentals, you will know not only about what to do to broaden your travel horizons, but exactly how to obtain financial freedom

You’ll learn basic, specific rules to follow about how exactly to live a happier, more prosperous life.   When you learn and apply these simple rules, you will have mastered the secrets of true and everlasting riches.



“I will become a millionaire, I know that because I have all the attributes and great desire I need to achieve my goal.”


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